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News: Align RC vs. Scorpion Systems, Why?


Well, if you are following the latest news from our Hobby, you probably saw this weekend some posts and feedbacks regarding Align RC new motor exchange program.

Basically Align RC is calling all Scorpion Motors users to exchange their High-End Large Size Motors with Align RC’s latest 800MX Motor series getting considerable discount as an exchange.

While the offer started only for the Asia Market it seems to be heading World Wide.

My question to our readers is what exactly is going on here? Why should a big company of this size like Align RC want to attack a small motor company like Scorpion Systems?

Knowing the Market and the Hobby for so many years, Yes, every Company has its ups and downs, but if you want to get up, just prove us wrong : let us , the users try your products and decide. Targeting a specific manufacture products is wrong and it is just a “lose-lose” situation for all.

I have seen Scorpion Systems as the main sponsor of this hobby for many years, Supporting pilots and events worldwide and never say no to help.

While business is first, there is still our passion and spirit enjoying this Hobby and we should show our support properly,

So thumbs up for Scorpion!

Guy Roglit
Helidaily Team.

Reported by: Helidaily Team

УгОраем дальше!

To all Scorpion team pilot and field Rep,
Due to the recent Align marketing specifically targeting Scorpion, we can no longer support any Pilot / Field Rep flying ALign helis, but if you wish to continue to support us, we have a deal for you, sell your align heli, and we will get you a similar size heli at the same price you sold yours from the following heli company
in alphabetical order.

Alees Rush series

CYE Rave series

Gaui series

JR E8 series

Mikado Logo series

Synergy Heli series

SAB Goblin series

Thunder Tiger Raptor series.

We will also replace your ALign servos with JR servos, your ALign FBL system will be replace by Mini V-Stabi.

We hope you stay with us and also hope you understand that we can not support you to promote such a low ethic company, some people say Business is Business, yes, i agree, but a minimum of code of conduct should be followed. especially in the RC Hobby business. Competition is ok, but a minimum of respect to your competitors should be followed as well.
maybe I'm too old fashion, but i do believe in this.

Warm rgds.
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